Project Description
The project uses AR as main learning tool to support effective technical and soft skills training by emulating real-world scenarios adapted to industry needs. They offer important efficiency and productivity gains that can strengthen the competitiveness of the EU industry and improve the wellbeing of citizens. It can also contribute to finding solutions to some of the most pressing societal challenges, including the challenges linked to sustainable development and environmental impact.
At the core of our project are capacity-building activities, including the educational events we will conduct during the project. These include:
- BIG ART Train the Trainers Bootcamp in Greece
- BIG ART VET Course during academic year 2025-2026 in Israel and Albania supported online by MWAPP
- Boot Camp for Israeli and Albanian Students in Greece (joined by local students)
- Project-Based Learning with Local Industry in each Country Mentored by industry representatives.
The project also endorses an international environment for the professional development of participants. BIG ART enhances multicultural education and work with a network of scholars and VET practitioners who are active in the field of AR. The consortium also bases its capacity building activities on the sociocultural theory of Lev Vygotsky, who argued that parents, caregivers, peers, and society as a whole are responsible for the development of higher- order functions, gave rise to sociocultural theory. Learning, according to Vygotsky, is based on connecting with others. With the Boot Camps and other events, the consortium will give Israeli and Albanian students the opportunity to learn by connecting with European students as well. Herein, we incorporate the use of soft skill approaches, augmented reality, and the 5-Lands Model in our approach.
AR/VR is a fast developing STEAM-related technologies, which opens a new spectrum of opportunities as AR/VR is a strategic technology that offers many benefits for citizens, companies, and society. In the 4th industrial revolution, when people think of the skills gap, it is often about lacking technology-related skills. However, another approach is needed that considers all the employability skills that employees need to obtain to be able to develop a winning personal value proposition. Therefore, the BIG ART framework is based on:
- An inclusive conceptual framework for the new era of the workplace skills.
- Based on research and practice.
- Can be measured personally and organizationally.
- Skills can be developed at any age and rank.
- Tailor-made to various professions, industries, and organizations.
- Could be applied in multiple business situations, addressing the need for upskilling in times of growth, and honored and valued separation in times of rightsizing.
- Enables organizations to create a winning culture.
Concept and Methodology
The proposal is distributed across 5 distinctive Work Packages corresponding to the phases of Preparation (WP1), Design (WP2), Fomation (WP3), Implementation (WP4) and Exploitation, Dissemination (WP5).
Within the project, the 3 VET providers (ORT Israel, DIEK Aigaleo and Kolin Gjoka)
will develop effective networks and exchange best practices.
These VET providers are located in three different countries: Israel,Greece and Albania.
This is the first time all these VET centers participate in the Erasmus+ CBVET program.
BIG ART will employ AR and mixed reality for
VET students, while enhancing soft skills.
The project will build the capacity of institution
from Israel, by transferring the basic knowledge
through workshops as part of a boot camp for the
content lecturers who will teach the technical
courses of virtual reality and are part of the
academic staff at the university in the
departments where the courses will be taught.
Within the BIG ART project, our Italian partner
MWAPP will organize the training of trainees from
VET centers from Israel, Albania and Greece into
new technologies and digital platforms like the
Augmented Reality platform Matterport.
1 course is to be developed for Augmented Reality with the use of Matterport platform.
1 Bootcamp for VET teachers planned
We will hold the Train the Trainers Bootcamp of
Israeli and Albanian VET trainers in Greece. Our
Greek partners will host this bootcamp to train
the trainers, in order to build and increase the
capacity of Israeli and Albanian VET teachers
and trainers. The aim is to host the teachers for
two weeks in the period of June/July 2025 in
Athens during Phase 3 of this project.
We will harness ICT potential and help students
to improve their technical skills, using AR.
16 teachers trained in AR
1 Bootcamp for VET teachers conducted
During the project, a group of selected Israeli
and Albanian students will be selected for the
subsequent VET student bootcamp in Greece
and to be mentored in the project-based learning
by local industry. This concludes the second
year and second milestone of the project when
the teachers and students are ready for the core
bootcamp and project-based learning period.
The project includes a 6-month project-based
learning period in 2026 with the local industry in
each country where the Israeli and Albanian
students can apply their learnings in the real
16 teachers trained in AR through multiplier workshops
We will exchange best practices and to
collaboratively shape common cross-project
dissemination and communication activities to
raise awareness on the topic of education on AR
We will create Vocational Courses powered by
AR. MWAPP is the Italian technology partner that
will organize the training of trainees from
Vocational Training Institution into new
technologies and digital platforms like the
Augmented Reality platform Matterport. With AR
and mixed reality, engineering students can
emerge in a more realistic learning environment,
closer to real-life experience.
60 students trained in AR
60 project-based learning initiatives
60 students mentored by representatives of the industry
The present consortium is composed of 2 EU partners and 2 partners from non-EU countries plus 4 associated private companies.
The PUBLIC VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE AIGALEO (DIEK Aigaleo) under the Ministry of Education,
Religious Affairs & Sports of Greece is the biggest and oldest Institute of Vocational Training in Athens, with more
than 700 students and 160 teachers of various specializations. The Institute delivers VET training to adult students
and was established in 1992. Since then, thousands of students have graduated from it.
DIEK Aigaleo aims to provide its students with the highest level of quality courses and education. The students attend vocational training at a post-secondary education level. The Institute is fully equipped with up-to-date laboratories for the specializations offered, in spacious buildings and an excellent environment, in which the students receive the appropriate training. There is a particular emphasis on technology and lifelong learning. The teaching staff consists of experienced VET trainers with expertise in their field. In 2021 the Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo has been renamed as a Thematic Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo focusing on S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). DIEK Aigaleo operates 12 specializations and 31 groups. Apprenticeship: DIEK Aigaleo was chosen by the Ministry of Education between all adult VET schools in Athens to be the pilot VET adult school for the apprenticeship scheme. Running for the third consecutive year, this scheme is based on the German Dual system of Apprenticeship according to which, students are working for 4 days at companies and organizations and 1 day they are attending courses at VET school on a week basis for a period of 6 months.
Work Based Learning: Alternative to Apprenticeship, within the excising framework, students after having
completed the 2-year (4 semesters) program of theoretical and practical training, they must complete a 6-
monthwork-based learning period. This WBL period corresponds to a 5 day/week program of practical training in
Companies, SMEs, Organizations etc.
Previous Experience
Project management: Experience in project management, partnership establishment, teacher and student support
and motivation, inclusion of digital technologies into teaching. Teaching staff evaluation by students, administrative
staff self-evaluation. Project management practices in e-learning platform research/installation/development.
Dissemination / networking: Experience in organizing dissemination informative events for Erasmus+ projects. Cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, IT and Technical companies in private and public sector. Networking with IT and Teachers Syndicates/Unions.
R&D/expertise in relevant disciplines: DIEK Aigaleo is a digital leader in strategic integration of e-learning since 2013 as all teaching material has been available to students in electronic form. Expertise in use of open e-learning platforms such as Moodle and Open e-class. DIEK Aigaleo has extensive experience in the research deployment and application of 3D printing.
Development of training material / VET provision: DIEK Aigaleo has developed the majority of Curriculum Study Guides (15) for technical specializations, currently in use as the official study guides by the Ministry of Education/ (GGVETLL)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC): DIEK Aigaleo is very keen in adopting cutting-edge technologies and incorporating them into training material thus encouraging the use of MOOCs as teaching tools and collaborates with University of West Attica in a project concerning the creation of MOOCs that apply to the areas of Soft Skills for VET students and teachers. Vocational Training: In 2021, the Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo has been renamed as a Thematic Public Institute of Vocational Training DIEK Aigaleo focusing on S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics).
For the school year 2021-22, DIEK Aigaleo has 700 students and operates the following specialization courses:
• Informatics Applications Technicians (Multimedia / Web Design – Development / Video Games)
• Computer Technicians (Hardware)
• Software Technicians
• Mechatronics Technicians
• Heating, Petroleum & Natural Gas Technicians
• Lift & Escalator Technicians
• Renewable Energy Technicians
• Automation Technicians
• Medical Equipment Technicians
• Interior Architecture & Object Designers
• I.C.T. for the Travelling Industry (ICT Tourism)
• Informatics Applications Technician (Multimedia / Web Design – Development / Video Games)
• Computer Technicians (Hardware)
• Interior Architectural Decorators & Objects Designers
• Chefs
• Mechatronics Technicians
• Medical Equipment Technicians
• Lift & Escalator Technicians
• I.C.T. for the Travelling Industry (ICT Tourism)
DIEK Aigaleo follows the curriculum set by Ministry of Education - General Secretariat of Vocational Education, Training & Lifelong Learning (GGVETLL). In this project, DIEK Aigaleo will be the main project coordinator and will host the main bootcamps. The EOPPEP certification exams for most technical specializations will take place on its premises.
MEDITERRANEA WEB APPLICATION s.r.l. (MWAPP) is a new IT company specializing in various IT areas such
as Broadcasting, Media Distribution, National Roads (Tolling, Logistics, Industry), Production, Construction,
Commerce, Enterprise Development, and social media. The company is currently involved in many IT projects for
numerous Italian and European companies.
MWAPP is a software development company with strong capabilities as a Web Agency & Software House. MWAPP offers extensive services, including the creation of websites, the development of internet marketing strategies, and the study of image campaigns aimed at customer satisfaction. MWAPP’s Software Development Department focuses on designing, building, and maintaining custom software solutions for various European projects such as Erasmus+. The company is also involved in offering specialized training to all. MWAPP is also involved in Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility projects with an emphasis on the training of new technologies and digital applications. MWAPP is operating as a highly successful Education, ICT Training (VET), Research, and Software Development center in Italy.
MWAPPalso specializes in Augmented Reality applications using the Matterport platform (https://matterport.com/), the world’s leader in 3D Virtual Tours and Augmented Reality Applications with many successful projects with Italian companies. MWAPP’s Italian customers include Fly Global Net S.R.L. from the Italian production sector, Emporio Ricambi Rossi s.p.a. (international trading sector), Empiria Group s.r.l. (National Health Services sector), and Polytechnic University of Milan.
MEDITERRANEA WEB APPLICATION s.r.l. employs 1 Project Manager, 3 full time programmers and 1 secretary. MEDITERRANEA WEB APPLICATIONS S.R.L. has experienced personnel that work in the areas of Cloud Applications, Database Management, Web Services, Web Applications, Windows 10 & Mobile Apps, Web design, Data Capture Applications, and Automation Systems. MWApp is responsible for research and development of software for Back Office systems and end-user and mobile systems (Microsoft, Apple, Android, Unity3D).
Role in the ProjectMWAPP is organizing the training of trainees from Vocational Training Institution into new technologies and digital platforms like the Augmented Reality platform Matterport. The VET students from Israel and Albania will be able to have the appropriate training into the use of video capturing with video 360 and use of Matterport functionalities. Matterport is the standard for 3D space capture. The all-in-one platform transforms reallife spaces into immersive digital twin models. So, by using Matterport the Israeli VET students will use better quality panoramic scans and Matterport will empower them to capture and connect rooms to create truly interactive 3D models of spaces. Matterport interface is relatively easy to use and provides a good user experience, so the trainees will have great options to tag virtual spaces and functionality to drop in media links. The digital training given from MWAPP in a real scenario will later be applied by all the VET partners in the project-based learning period.
ORT Braude College of Engineering
ORT Braude College of Engineering, which is one of the colleges of ORT Israel, will be the pioneer for
Israel joining forces in this call. ORT Israel will help with reaching out to educational institutions for the
participation in the project.
ORT Israel is a non-government organization devoted to education in Israel. ORT Israel is the largest educational network in Israel for science and technology education and has been operating in Israel since 1949 as a public benefit company. ORT Israel is the leading and the largest Technology & Science Educational Network in Israel, operating over 200 institutions in 55 local authorities: comprehensive middle and high schools, vocational schools, education centers and both technology colleges and academic colleges of engineering. 30% of all engineers and technicians in Israel are ORT graduates Devoted to excellence in teaching, learning and research, ORT Israel operates one of the biggest and advanced R&D and Training Centers in the world. ORT R&D Center specializes in development of tailor-made content for world class educational programs and innovative curricula in broad spectrum of fields, such as: biomedical engineering, mechatronics, nanotechnology, brain science, electro optics, aerospace, aviation, and many more. With over 60 years of experience, ORT has accumulated vast knowledge, experience, and expertise in managing international projects, providing creative and advanced educational solutions dealing with wide range of challenges: enhancing educational systems, bridging socioeconomic gaps, developing innovative curricula, and building the capacity for 21st digital century.
The ORT Braude Academic College of Engineering is part of ORT Israel and offers innovative internship programs in which students develop the most advanced skills through hands-on experience and exposure to various industries. Students develop close relationships with their host companies, and, because of these reciprocal connections, ORT Braude graduates have acquired a reputation for being a league above other candidates. Students work as interns at companies, where they often find employment as engineers after graduating from ORT Braude Academic College of Engineering.
Vocational Training: It is the first time that Israeli VET colleges can participate in the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CB-VET). Practical training programs at ORT Colleges can open the opportunity for students to integrate as skilled workers in the labor market with a valuable certificate in the profession they choose to specialize in. The fields of practical training include electronics engineering, program engineering, practical engineering and management, electrical practical engineering, civil engineering (building practical engineer), engineering, practical architecture and interior design, practical media design, practical industrial design, practical cooling and air conditioning, practical engineering technologies and water quality, practical chemical engineering, and practical biotechnology engineering
Role in the ProjectORT Braude College of Engineering, which is one of the colleges of ORT Israel, will be the pioneer for Israel joining forces in this call. ORT Israel will help with reaching out to educational institutions for the participation in the project and will be main responsible for the dissemination of the project.
The ORT works to advance the study of technology in the greater region among a broad mosaic of populations: city residents, members of the Negev’s remote communities, ultra-orthodox Jews, Bedouins, soldiers just out of the army, new immigrants, tourists, and residents of rural communities – moshavim and kibbutzim.
Kolin Gjoka VET School
Kolin Gjoka VET School is under the Ministry of finance and Economics of Albania. Has 448 students and 52
teachers. "Kolin Gjoka" vocational education school located in Lezha, Albania, offers 5 educational directions,
respectively: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Food Technology, Economy-Business,
Hospitality-Tourism and Social and Health Services and respective profiles: Website Development,
Multimedia,Travel and Tourism Services, Cooking – Patisserie, Hotel and Restaurant Services, Commerce, Child
Care Service and Dough Processing Technology. 448 students are currently registered and there are a total of 52
full-time teachers and part-time teachers.